Minecraft Archives - Techlogitic https://techlogitic.net/category/games/minecraft/ Technology & Gadget news Thu, 02 May 2024 18:29:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://techlogitic.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/cropped-cropped-techlogitic-32x32.png Minecraft Archives - Techlogitic https://techlogitic.net/category/games/minecraft/ 32 32 How do I fix “failed to create profile” in Minecraft? https://techlogitic.net/fix-failed-to-create-profile-in-minecraft/ https://techlogitic.net/fix-failed-to-create-profile-in-minecraft/#respond Thu, 02 May 2024 18:28:21 +0000 https://techlogitic.net/?p=43924 When you try creating a profile on Minecraft and the error – failed to create profile occurs, it can be one of the most frustrating things. We know Minecraft is a game that comes with minor bugs and errors. While launching Minecraft via launcher and trying to create a Minecraft profile online, you may get this error failed to create a profile in a red box. This can occur when you try to log in again as well. The following methods can help you solve this error in seconds. How to fix failed to create profile in Minecraft? Method 1 – Log in again. The first thing you should do after you run into this error is to try to log in again. This can be a very easy fix to get rid of the Minecraft failed to create profile error. There must be some misconfiguration in the files, which can be corrected once you log in again. Method 2 – Close the browser. Sometimes, the error can be displayed due to conflicts between the launcher and the browser. Try closing the browser to get rid of this issue. To avoid such errors, it is recommended to close all the …

The post How do I fix “failed to create profile” in Minecraft? appeared first on Techlogitic.

When you try creating a profile on Minecraft and the error – failed to create profile occurs, it can be one of the most frustrating things. We know Minecraft is a game that comes with minor bugs and errors.

While launching Minecraft via launcher and trying to create a Minecraft profile online, you may get this error failed to create a profile in a red box. This can occur when you try to log in again as well. The following methods can help you solve this error in seconds.

How to fix failed to create profile in Minecraft?

Method 1 – Log in again.

The first thing you should do after you run into this error is to try to log in again. This can be a very easy fix to get rid of the Minecraft failed to create profile error. There must be some misconfiguration in the files, which can be corrected once you log in again.

Method 2 – Close the browser.

Sometimes, the error can be displayed due to conflicts between the launcher and the browser. Try closing the browser to get rid of this issue. To avoid such errors, it is recommended to close all the unwanted applications opened in your device/computer.

Method 3 – Roll back the version of the launcher.

The Minecraft launcher in Windows 10/11 can sometimes cause this error due to unexpected bugs and compatibility issues. To play smoothly on your PC, you can downgrade the Minecraft launcher. Go to the official Minecraft website; you can find all the previous and newer versions of the launcher there.

Method 4 – Disable the VPN.

Make sure the VPN is switched off on your device or your browser. When I used to game, this specific error occurred because my VPN was on. It is recommended that you check the Windows tray in the bottom right corner to see if any VPN app is open and running.

Method 5 – Reinstall the Minecraft Launcher

When I say reinstall the Minecraft Launcher, I do not mean downloading it from the Microsoft Store. You need to go to the official Minecraft website, select the appropriate version for your Windows, and install it.

After installation, it is recommended that the PC be restarted to affect the changes. This will usually solve your failed to create profile error.

Method 6 – Use a browser to create a profile.

If you cannot create a Minecraft profile online via the launcher, it will be great to create one using your browser. You can use Google Chrome or Firefox to create the profile. I use Mozilla Firefox to create profiles.

After creating a profile via the browser, you can log in to your launcher. Your error will be resolved.

Method 7 – Reinstall the Launcher in xBox

If you are running your game on Xbox, you can uninstall the launcher. Go to the Microsoft Xbox store, search Minecraft Launder, and install it.

This can solve the problem of failing to create a profile in xBox.


This article shows you various methods on how to fix failed to-create profile errors in Minecraft. The newest launchers have some bugs which can trigger this error.

Reinstalling the launchers and game is one of the simplest solutions to solving almost any problem in Minecraft. Look for unwanted applications that can conflict with the apps.


Q – Why can’t I create a Mojang account?

Minecraft now requires a Microsoft account so you cannot create a Mojang account.

Q – Why is my Minecraft username failing Java?

The possible reason this is failing is Minecraft and Java are out of date. Update them to fix this issue.

Q – How to fix Minecraft failed to verify username?

Log out and log in again to fix minecraft failed to verify username.

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How to Install OptiFine in Minecraft 1.19 in few east steps? https://techlogitic.net/how-to-install-optifine/ https://techlogitic.net/how-to-install-optifine/#respond Thu, 11 Jan 2024 12:46:59 +0000 https://techlogitic.net/?p=27815 What is OptiFine? For Java Minecraft, there is a tool called Optifine that offers more features, better control over the game’s graphics, and the ability to use shader programs to alter the game’s appearance. Without applying shaders, Optifine offers many visual enhancements, but with them, the game might appear entirely different. It is possible to use Optifine as a mod that is uploaded by Forge or Fabric or by installing it directly into the Minecraft game instance. In the latter case, it will be available through the Minecraft launcher as a new profile. How to Download and Install the Optifine for Minecraft 1.19 Let’s take a look at the steps to download and install the optifine mod in Minecraft. Download the Optifine for Minecraft 1.19 Users of OptiFine can quickly modify the parameters to suit their needs. As a result, there are no prerequisites for running this mod. If your computer can run Minecraft, it should have no issue running OptiFine as well. Having said that just adhere to the instructions below to obtain OptiFine for Minecraft 1.19: The official Optifine download page can be accessed by clicking here. After that it will show various versions, you have to click …

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What is OptiFine?

For Java Minecraft, there is a tool called Optifine that offers more features, better control over the game’s graphics, and the ability to use shader programs to alter the game’s appearance. Without applying shaders, Optifine offers many visual enhancements, but with them, the game might appear entirely different.

It is possible to use Optifine as a mod that is uploaded by Forge or Fabric or by installing it directly into the Minecraft game instance. In the latter case, it will be available through the Minecraft launcher as a new profile.

How to Download and Install the Optifine for Minecraft 1.19

Let’s take a look at the steps to download and install the optifine mod in Minecraft.

Download the Optifine for Minecraft 1.19

Users of OptiFine can quickly modify the parameters to suit their needs. As a result, there are no prerequisites for running this mod. If your computer can run Minecraft, it should have no issue running OptiFine as well. Having said that just adhere to the instructions below to obtain OptiFine for Minecraft 1.19:

  1. The official Optifine download page can be accessed by clicking here.

official Optifine download page

  1. After that it will show various versions, you have to click on the latest version of Minecraft 1.19

install optifine minecraft latest version

  1. The download link will take you to an ad page that you can avoid. You must wait there for roughly 5 to 10 seconds before a “skip” button appears in the upper right corner. Click “Skip” to continue after that.


How to Install Optifine for Minecraft 1.19

  1. Open the “.jar” file you downloaded to get started. It will start the Java compiler automatically.

install Optifine 01

  1. You’ll see an installer when you open the downloaded file. Select Install from the menu. Make sure the folder containing the Minecraft files is the installation destination.

install Optifine 02

  1. You can now play OptiFine in your Minecraft game. The installer will display a pop-up notification stating “Optifine is Successfully Installed” after a successful installation. After that, choose OptiFine from the list and press “Play.”

install Optifine 03

How to Increase Minecraft 1.19’s Frame Rate

It’s time to maximize its benefits and get the greatest FPS possible in the game because now you understand well how to install OptiFine in Minecraft 1.19. You must edit the “Video Settings” from the pause menu in order to achieve this.

Video Settings

To get the best FPS, use the following configuration in the main part of Minecraft’s video settings:

  • Graphics: Fast
  • Smooth Lighting & Its Levels: Off
  • Render Distance: 8-12 chunks
  • Framerate: Same as your monitor
  • Entity Shadows: Off

Quality Settings

The appearance and performance of your game are greatly influenced by the parameters you choose. It’s preferable to disable all functions in this settings section in order to have the optimum frame rate in Minecraft 1.19.

While you adjust the quality settings, your game could restart a few times. There’s no need to freak out because it’s just a stage in the process. Once everything is off, switch the Mipmap type to Nearest. After that, click “Done” to save the changes.

Details Settings

If obtaining the highest FPS is your first priority, all values should be set to “Off” or “Fast.” The feature is fully eliminated or reduced as a result. Additionally, the “cloud height,” “held items tooltips,” and “fog start” choices have no impact whatsoever on graphic performance.

Not to mention, you ought to maintain an entity distance of between 75% and 125%. If not, you won’t see dangerous throngs until they come too near you. After that, click the “Done” button to save the settings.

Animation Settings

Simple animation settings have a significant impact on your performance. Therefore, you should just press the “All OFF” option to turn off all animation in Minecraft in order to achieve the greatest FPS.

Performance Settings

These parameters have a direct impact on how well your game runs, as the title says. Here, you must first confirm that everything is switched on and only dynamic updates are disabled. Then, change the chunk builder to “threaded” and the chunk updates to “5”. To save the settings, click the “Done” button at the end.


You don’t have to remove the older version of OptiFine before updating to the most recent one. You only need to download and install the most recent version from the company’s official website to get started. The majority of them work with the greatest Minecraft texture packs, which can drastically improve your game.

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Download Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20 https://techlogitic.net/download-mods-for-minecraft-bedrock/ https://techlogitic.net/download-mods-for-minecraft-bedrock/#respond Thu, 20 Oct 2022 17:24:15 +0000 https://techlogitic.net/?p=28694 Download Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20: find a new friend or fight terrible monsters, as well as meet new villagers. Best Mods for Minecraft Bedrock Make survival in the cube world more diverse. Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 will add many new creatures, some of which will be useful for the hero, while others will do everything possible to kill him. Villager Interaction with the villagers is one of the very interesting aspects of the gameplay in the cubic world. The authors of Mods for Minecraft 1.20.0 and 1.20 offer players to diversify these characters. Now they will get more emotions and become like ordinary people. Also, with the help of a cake, they can be propagated and thus always keep the population in settlements. Another interesting fact is that they can be hired as bodyguards and then the player will always have a companion nearby who can protect him. DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/people/villager/ Minecraft Comes Alive Every player can make the cubic world alive and diverse with Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20. Now Steve will never be lonely because his girlfriend or even his wife will be next to him. The second, by the way, can cook …

The post Download Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20 appeared first on Techlogitic.

Download Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20: find a new friend or fight terrible monsters, as well as meet new villagers.

Best Mods for Minecraft Bedrock

Make survival in the cube world more diverse. Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 will add many new creatures, some of which will be useful for the hero, while others will do everything possible to kill him.


Interaction with the villagers is one of the very interesting aspects of the gameplay in the cubic world. The authors of Mods for Minecraft 1.20.0 and 1.20 offer players to diversify these characters.


Now they will get more emotions and become like ordinary people. Also, with the help of a cake, they can be propagated and thus always keep the population in settlements. Another interesting fact is that they can be hired as bodyguards and then the player will always have a companion nearby who can protect him.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/people/villager/

Minecraft Comes Alive

Minecraft Comes Alive

Every player can make the cubic world alive and diverse with Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20. Now Steve will never be lonely because his girlfriend or even his wife will be next to him.

The second, by the way, can cook food and you can have a baby with her. There have never been such opportunities before.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/people/minecraft-comes-alive/



This Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20 add-on will help make your hero even more interesting and add new abilities to him. Immediately when loading the world, the user will need to choose from the suggested options.

For this purpose, a special menu is provided, which outlines all the main strengths and weaknesses of the character.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/more-items/origins/



This update of Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20 will add several new and very powerful monsters to the cubic world. All of them are characters from incredibly popular Creepypasta stories.

It is worth noting that they will not only be incredibly powerful but also extremely dangerous.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/mob/creepypasta/



Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20 will allow you to make your player very small so that his size is literally like a child’s. Now the hero will change his size and this will allow him to fall from a height without any damage.

Also, other mobs will not notice him and therefore he will always be safe.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/people/baby/



Thanks to Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20, the villagers will be replaced by beautiful girls. Going to the settlement, the player can give a diamond to a new character and she will follow her master everywhere.

By the way, the companions will have an endless supply of health, so the relationship will not be interrupted by a sudden attack of monsters.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/people/girlfriend/

Entity 303

Survival in the cubic world will become even more dangerous and more difficult because a terrible humanoid monster will appear in the dungeons. These creatures will shoot fireballs at players.

Mods for Minecraft 1.20.0 and 1.20 will add a lot of dangers for those heroes who decide to install this update.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/mob/entity-303/



At once 45 animated devices that will allow players to fly through the air will add Mods for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20.0 and 1.20. Now you can move to any distance in the shortest possible time and see the cubic world from a height.

As well as options that complement the standard set of armor that will allow you to win in any battle.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/more-items/wings/



Mods for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20.0 and 1.20 will allow you to become a real ruler of the cubic world and blow up a large territory. Players will have virtually unlimited opportunities.

The update provides everything you need to create your nuclear bomb and destroy all living things around you.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/weapon/nuke/



There are many worlds in the cubic world, and the spaces are endless, but many players still lack new locations. Mods for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.0 and 1.20 adds the ability to travel between planets.

You can go to the Moon or Mars, as well as try on a real spacesuit right now.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpe-planet.com/mods/block/space/

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Minecraft Fountain: How to Make a Fountain in Minecraft in 6 easy steps? https://techlogitic.net/minecraft-fountain/ Sun, 06 Feb 2022 06:27:21 +0000 https://techlogitic.net/?p=18629 Often people find it intriguing to make a mountain in Minecraft. The fountain is situated in the front of mansion and it has some switches that are easily turned off and turned on with a click. So, it is easy to make this fountain and to do this, you need to do the following- Step 1: Things that You Need to create Minecraft fountain What you need is 5 Redstone torches 1 water (or lava bucket) 12 Redstone 1 stone (or wood) button 48 blocks (I used quarts I suggest a white block for looks) 1 dispenser 5 glowstone Step 2: Dig Down Dig straight down 3 blocks then dig straight forward 11 blocks length then still going straight make a staircase out of the tunnel you just made. Step 3: Redstone Now, at one of the end of the tunnel, without the use of the staircase, you need to place 1 block on the ground Then had to place the redstone redstone torch on it Then place redstone dust on the ground of the tunnel leading from the torch to halfway up the staircase. Then place a block over the last redstone dust you placed. Then block up the …

The post Minecraft Fountain: How to Make a Fountain in Minecraft in 6 easy steps? appeared first on Techlogitic.

Often people find it intriguing to make a mountain in Minecraft. The fountain is situated in the front of mansion and it has some switches that are easily turned off and turned on with a click. So, it is easy to make this fountain and to do this, you need to do the following-

Step 1: Things that You Need to create Minecraft fountain

What you need is

  • 5 Redstone torches
  • 1 water (or lava bucket)
  • 12 Redstone
  • 1 stone (or wood) button
  • 48 blocks (I used quarts I suggest a white block for looks)
  • 1 dispenser
  • 5 glowstone

Step 2: Dig Down

Dig straight down 3 blocks then dig straight forward 11 blocks length then still going straight make a staircase out of the tunnel you just made.

Step 3: Redstone

  • Now, at one of the end of the tunnel, without the use of the staircase, you need to place 1 block on the ground
  • Then had to place the redstone redstone torch on it
  • Then place redstone dust on the ground of the tunnel leading from the torch to halfway up the staircase.
  • Then place a block over the last redstone dust you placed.
  • Then block up the the hole next to it and place a button on that white block you just placed

Step 4: More Redstone

  • Now go back to where you placed the redstone torch place a block over it then (following the pictures) and a redstone torch over it (the redstone torch should turn off)
  • Now (following the pictures) place another block and redstone torch on top then repeat that step twice more.
  • Then put a dispenser pointing up on top of it all.

Step 5: Pretty It Up

  • Now surround the dispenser and the redstone torches in the block you chose.
  • Now place a block of glowstone on each corner and one 2 blocks above the dispenser.
  • Then put a water bucket (or lava) in the dispenser.
  • And put on the edges on the ground so the water (or lava) does not go everywhere (like in picture three)

Step 6: How It Works

  • So how it works is you push the button and the redstone signal goes to the the dispenser and sets it off and the water or lava goes down the sides.
  • It looks amazing and beautiful and gives you a lot of options to explore it in various ways.


Q – Can I make a lava fountain?

Answer – Yes, you can do it, you just need to make a 12 by 12 hole and place some bricks. After that, you just need to place some lava on the top of the brick and also in the bottom. So, here you go, your lava fountain is ready.

Q – Can I make waterfalls in Minecraft?

Answer – You can very well make this waterfall in Minecraft. To do this, first you need to find out a hill, and then dig out some of the parts from the top. After that, fill the hole with water and make your waterfall mine craft is ready to explore.

Q – Can you use any type of slab?

Answer – Yes, you can use any type of slab and make beautiful patterns and decorate it with the help of slabs.

Q – Can I use bedrock to make fountain?

Answer – Yes, you can very use the bedrock to make a beautiful fountain so that it looks decorative and mesmerising. You can add stone slab to make the bedrock look awesome.

Q – Is obsidian slabbing a good choice?

Answer – Yes, you can do that. By doing this, a nice contrast will be established in the surrounding area and the fountain and also make it looks even more beautiful. Also, your fountain will stand out from anything else.

Q – How can a red stone be used in the fountain to make a contraption?

Answer – A dispenser with observer blocks, and a lever somewhere at the end of the observer chain. In the dispenser would be water. This would create a fountain which you could turn on and off.

Q – Can I make a waterfall in the lake?

Answer – Yes, you’ll need lots of dirt (300 units) and at least about 64 water buckets. It will take at least 2 hours to make (6 Minecraft days). You can speed things up in creative mode: it will take about 3 Minecraft days and 40 real-life minutes. Thus, it is fairly easy to make a waterfall in the lake.

Q – Could you make the fountain as a secret entrance?

Answer – No, it is not possible to do so because hindrance will be created by it.

Q – Where do I get the obsidian slab?

Answer – You can get one but it is not advisable to do that. There are a few commands available in the youtube by doing which you can lower your obsidian block instead of cutting it into two halves.

Q – My crafting table won’t work when I try to make fireworks. What’s going on?

Answer – Often due to incorrect supplies, this happens. Thus, it is advised to do that correctly so that you do not have to face the problem again and again.


  • Use lava to make a hot tub.
  • Use lava to make a hot or the silver blocks to make the fountain.
  • Don’t use lava and water at once! It will become obsidian with water.
  • To make the scenery more aesthetically pleasing consider adding flowers near the fountain.
  • The pillar inside the spout can be removed, to make it seem as though the water shoots up from the bottom.
  • Try making your first fountain in Creative version, then try to do it in Survival. The reason for using Creative version is so you have all the items you need without having to collect them.
  • You can use lava instead of water, though it is much more dangerous.
  • Experiment with different types of fountains.
  • You can also alternate blocks for a cool design.
  • If you want to make a very deep fountain, invest in water breathing potions.


Thus, you see these are some of the details regarding Fountain in Mine craft. You just need to follow certain things while making fountain. Also, make sure to place slabs perfectly so that you do not have to face any issues afterwards. The tips mentioned above are useful for you to make a good and beautiful mountain in the mine craft. By following the steps mentioned above, you can easily make a good fountain.

The post Minecraft Fountain: How to Make a Fountain in Minecraft in 6 easy steps? appeared first on Techlogitic.
